Full time mom, Full time job, part time night job... Do you ever feel like you just give and give and the return is less than what you give out? When I am at work I always have to be on my A game and it becomes very draining, mostly when you have nutty high school parents enabling their children, or veterans that are on their last bit of emotion and are calling in to let you know they want to end their lives.
This past weekend I got away to Chatham. This is a place that I feel that I am at my comfort zone. I have so many memories of summers with my family and most of my ancestors settled Cape Cod so I feel like I belong there. I spent the weekend just going over things that matter most and I came to the conclusion it IS my family and close friends. ( not all Facebook "friends")
Stressing out about money, what I can not give my kids to help them keep up with everyone, or having to have the perfect body needs to be put aside. I need to slow down and realize the blessings in my life, and the small and simple things. So I started a quick list of all the blessings and realized I could go on for awhile.
- Healthy family
- Happy family that I enjoy spending time with
- Eternal understanding
- Jobs
- House
- Cars
- Parents that are still somewhat healthy
- Education for my kids
- Ability to serve others
- Great marriage/communication
Hopefully this will help me and you feel less overwhelmed with life, if we just slow down and see my blessings.
We ALL need to live our lives with an attitude of gratitude! I truly believe that if we all stopped to really take a close look at our lives, we would all see how amazingly blessed we all are!
I love you Jillian!
You are a blessing to me :)
Love you!
You are a blessing to me :)
Love you!
Love, KK
I'm reminded of my blessings every tme I turn on the news!! We are both lucky to have great husbands and wonderful kids.
Love ya, Heidi
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