Up and out early. We hit the road 80W. Now I prepared myself as my dad had taught me to check the weather. Holy crap, red and yellow cells on the radar. I am not one that likes storms in a safe location and here we were going into the flattest post of the US known to many as Tornado Alley.
Abby and I were in my Camry because I need to make sure the car was still running correctly and no funky clanks or clunks. We hit the storms after the first 15 min. You can see the storms coming from miles away due to how flat it is out there in Iowa and Nebraska. At 8:30 am the skies became black, like legit black. Abby was my photographer, so photo creds to her! The first drop of rain hit like a droplets the size of a baseball. The wind picked up and Abby asked what do we do if we see a tornado? I had no answer which didn't make us feel o comfortable as we saw a few swirls of the sky.
After about an hour of crazy weather we saw the light. My hands were cramped due to the white knuckling I had to do.

We finally made it to Nebraska, who knew they had major cities. We cruised through Omaha and Lincoln, yah that was it. Back to corn fields and cows. We stopped at at truck stop somewhere in Nebraska and things got a bit tense.
Just say NO to drugs people! We watched this young woman stumbling around the store and then the parking area. She was bruised, cut up, bikini top, frazzled hair and just brutal looking, very sad... I said to Abby to be aware of her surroundings and in just a short few seconds things went down. Kurt and Sophia just gassed up the truck and were waiting for Abby to hop back in my car. This girl was getting closer to Kurts truck when Abby flew out of her seat because this girl was trying to open Sophia's door to get in. Abby pushed the young woman and yelled at her. This girl was clearly stung out and she said she thought it was her boyfriends truck... I think, not unless Kurt was her new "friend". Talk about seeing one of your kids act in a way that she was the protector made me proud, but also made me nervous as this person could have retaliated. Abby did say she had soft skin... Pass the anti-bacterial!
Our goal for Tuesday was to make it to Longmont, CO. This is where my aunt and uncle live. We needed a break from driving so we planned on staying for a bit and hike around the Boulder area. Nebraska to Colorado was brutal. Kurt was getting snippy and couldn't wait to get out of the truck.
The girls were doing well, we would check our rear view mirror and see them singing away, laughing and arms out the sunroof. It is tough to see your precious cargo driving and trying to keep everyone safe. But we made it to Longmont to a home cooked meal! AWESOME
Kurt will be posting the adventures for Wednesday, so stay tuned!
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