Oh, and Costco is 3 blocks west.
I feel like life is much easier for us here. We are renting and we do not have to take care of the upkeep of the condo but we have been given permission to revamp the back "yard". Kurt likes simplicity. Off we went to rent a chain saw (we sold all of our yard tools and power tools), tore out the old dying palm trees, scrubby plants that I have no clue of what they are, and trim up the healthy mini palms. Yard/concrete slab is almost done.

While walking at well known beach we were amazed at the millions of different color rocks. Every one was more beautiful than the other. I could see it in Kurt's eyes the thought process of how were we going to get all these beautiful rocks to our home. When we got home he tried showing me his vision as we stood in the patio area. I can not visualize things I have to see a pictures.
We were out adventuring trying to find new places in our area and came across the Chula Vista Yacht Club (yes, kinda an oxymoron from what they say around here, sort of like Manchester NH Yacht Club) and went to the beach and saw similar rocks. Great, closer to home. Now Kurt could his plan into action. As I was at work and he was on school break he put the buckets in the truck and went for it, what he says, moved God's rocks to our location. After I started to see the transition, I realized this would be great, but he wanted to hit the beach up north that will remain nameless. Mind you that this is a major tourist attraction area. How were we going to get buckets off the beach? No worries, people thought we were working for UCSD in the geology department and needed the rocks. Classic. After 4 trips to unnamed beach and 4 to Chula we are just about done.
More about the rocks... they dried and were meh looking. After having dinner with friends we went to their home on Balboa Island and walked around and saw some beautiful shiny rocks.
What? How? Then a light bulb went off in my mind, SHELLAC! Kurt could wait to get to Home Depot. We had to dodge a few Mexicans driving into HD looking for work. Where were these guys when I was hauling buckets of rocks up the beach to the truck. Note to self, I am sure we will have another project soon to hire them.
Got home and with in minutes Kurt was as high as a kite from the fumes of the spray cans of shellac he was popping off.
So that is some of the fun we have been having in SoCal. We are loving the winters again, but kinda bummed that New England didn't get hammered with snow like last year as it would have taken the sting out of moving a bit better.
I miss my friends dearly and being able to hop in the car and head to Chatham and RI, also knowing my way around so I don't end up in Tijuana, but in time we will find a support system. We did find a new church and hoping that is a start to finding people, but not sure they will get our sick and twisted New England humor.
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